* Staged photos (up to four)
* One video
* One hyperlink to your resource
* Text describing ONE product/service per week
(max 100 words)
Each weekly sponsored message gets posted on Monday morning. It is pinned to the top of the group as a Featured Post. It remains pinned for the duration of the sponsored week. When the allotted time has ended, the post will be unpinned. However, it will remain available and searchable as content in the group for all of eternity (or until Facebook shuts down). How awesome is that!
This is a super affordable way to target your advertising to reach over 35,000 fifth grade teachers. Are you intrigued? Contact Michelle@SunnyDazeonTPT.com for current rates and availability.
Hi Michelle, I saw your targeted ads post @ TpT. How can I run an ad? heinzwayne@aol.com